All Is Calm: The Christmas Truce of 1914
December 16 - 20, 2015
Pantages Theatre
By Peter Rothstein • Music Arrangements by Erick Lichte and Timothy C. Takach • Directed by Peter Rothstein • Music Direction by Erick Lichte
“What would happen I wonder, if the armies suddenly and simultaneously went on strike?”
The Western Front. Christmas. 1914. Out of the violence comes a silence, then a song. A German solider steps into No Man’s Land Singing “Stille Nacht.” Thus begins an extraordinary night of camaraderie, music and peace. This moving piece recreates an astounding moment in history when Allied and German soldiers laid down their arms to celebrate the holiday together by trading carols, sharing food and drink, playing soccer and burying the dead. In some places the truce lasted only a night, in others it endured until New Year’s Day. This dramatic re-telling contains poetry, diary entries, war documents and letters written by thirty World War I figures brought to life by 12 actors and singers. The historic documents are interspersed with iconic World War I songs and European carols. The Star Tribune calls All Is Calm "a classic to be repeated for years to come." Don't miss this award-winning, Theater Latté Da original that has been seen and heard around the globe.
A co-production with Hennepin Theatre Trust
“I am interested in creating performance where the content dictates the form. In the creative process I continually ask myself: If the characters were left to their own devices, how would they tell their story? What language, what tools were available to them? There was our answer – radio. Radio was critical to military operations; it was the primary means of mass communication and mass entertainment. Our piece would be a radio musical drama, using only the tools of radio: music and text. The music ranges from trench songs to patriotic and sentimental tunes, as well as Christmas music from the participating countries. The text is taken from a wide range of sources including letters, journals, official war documents, poetry, grave stone inscriptions – even an old radio broadcast.”

“All is Calm—a theatrical concert—feeds our need for heroes, gives space to our dreams for human nobility, allows us to approach the enigma of Christmas and puzzle over the miracle that has stopped enemies from killing each other for one day.”
“It’s not only an outstanding piece of musical theater, but a brilliantly executed production that understands that its power comes from its simplicity.”