Single ticket prices are determined through the use of a dynamic pricing tool and vary based on demand and performance date/time. Prices will fluctuate on a regular basis, except for Saturday matinee performances, currently at $39 for the 2024 - 2025 season.
Handling fees: A per ticket handling fee ($6.75) will be charged for credit card orders and ($5.50 for check orders) beginning in the 2024-2025 season. There is no handling fee for in-person cash purchases.
Refunds: No refunds will be issued for tickets or ticket exchanges.
Ticket Exchanges: Requests for ticket exchanges must be made at least 48 hours before the scheduled performance time. If you are within the 48 hour no-exchange period, you may convert your ticket(s) into a tax-deductible donation or give them to someone else to use. No exchanges or cancellations for special events or special presentations. No exchanges, donations, returns, or refunds will be issued for any tickets listed for sale through brokers, agencies, or other third party sellers. Ticket exchanges are not transferable between shows or seasons.
Exchange Fees: All single ticket exchanges (ie. tickets not part of a subscription) will incur a $5 fee per ticket plus any difference in price for the new tickets. Season Ticket Holders do not pay exchange fees for performance dates and seat tiers within their package type. An upcharge for tickets outside a given season ticket package type may apply.
Inclement weather: In the event a performance is canceled by Theater Latté Da due to inclement weather, we will exchange tickets into a future performance date of the same show, if possible. Latté Da will notify all ticket holders via email and/or phone should this occur. Missed performances as a result of unfavorable weather conditions are not eligible for refunds or exchanges
Ticket discounts: Discount tickets offers are not valid on prior ticket purchases. Restrictions and ticket limitations apply and are subject to availability.
Child age recommendations: For most Theater Latté Da shows, we recommend children be at least age 13, but admit children as young as 5.* Children must have a ticket and should be accompanied by an adult at all times. Children under 5 are not recommended to attend any performance.^ Every attendee regardless of age must have a ticketed seat, and children or infants in arms or on laps is not allowed. Please consider your child's ability to sit through a performance of approximately 2.5 hours with intermission.
*We strongly suggest that caregivers/guardians of underage children review the production material on Theater Latté Da's website to determine what subject matter is appropriate for viewing.
^At the discretion of Theater LattéDa staff, we reserve the right to remove without refund any audience member who is disruptive to the experience of other patrons--including children and their families.
Late seating: We do not guarantee late seating after a performance begins. Late seating may or may not be permitted at the discretion of the House Manager at an appropriate break in the performance. You may be seated in an alternate location designated for late arrivals and take your original seats at intermission.
Cameras/other devices: The use of cameras, recording equipment, or laser pointers is strictly prohibited during performances or any time a performer is on stage. Photos of the set before, after, or during intermission is permissible.
Phones: The ringing of cellular phones, pagers or texting can be highly disruptive during a performance. These devices should be turned off or put in airplane mode while at the theater.
Changes and cancellations: Performance names, dates and times are subject to change or cancellation.
Disruptive patrons: House management staff reserves the right in its sole discretion to escort disruptive patrons from the theater at any time without exchange or refund.
Animals as accommodations:
To be considered a service animal and to be allowed admission into the theater, an animal must be readily apparent and trained to do work or perform tasks for an individual with a disability (e.g., the dog is observed guiding an individual who is blind or has low vision, pulling a person's wheelchair, or providing assistance with stability or balance to an individual with an observable mobility disability).
A service animal is any dog that is individually trained to do work or perform tasks for the benefit of an individual with a disability, including a physical, sensory, psychiatric, intellectual, or other mental disability. The service animal must be a dog, but the dog must be trained to perform specific tasks. The provision of emotional support, well-being, comfort, or companionship do not constitute work or tasks for the purpose of this definition and would be prohibited from admittance.
Standby Policy A standby list for patrons interested in attending a sold out show will be started by the box office one hour prior to the curtain time. Patrons must present themselves in person to have their names and ticketing needs added to the standby list. Any tickets released will be offered to patrons in list order. You must be physically present at the time your name is called. Theater Latté Da reserves the right to modify this policy at the discretion of staff to best accommodate the needs of our patrons.
Waitlist Policy Theater Latté Da is unable to keep advance waitlists for sold out shows or contact individual patrons about seats that open up for specific performances. Patrons are encouraged to check latteda.org frequently for cancellations if they require tickets to a specific performance.