Theater Latté Da is one of only a few theaters in the country dedicated solely to producing and presenting new and adventurous musical theater that speaks to contemporary audiences and advances the art form. Thank you for your support!

Funders are listed for the donations made between between February 1, 2024 to February 1, 2025. Please accept our apologies for any errors or omissions. For corrections, please contact Sara Huelle, Development Director, at

Institutional Support


Individual Support

Grand Finale ($25,000 and above)
C. Curtis Dunnavan Fund
Dr. Tom Knabel and Kent Allin
Kathy and Allen Lenzmeier
The Morfitt Family Charitable Fund
Rita and Ben* Olk
Margaret V.B. Wurtele

*In remembrance

Curtain Call ($10,000 - $24,999)
Carol and Kim Culp
David Feroe and Linda Svitak
Joyce G. Gordon*
Penny Meier
Jennifer Melin Miller and David Miller
Lisa Meyer and Sam W. Grabarski Sr.
Dr. Deanna Oliveira
James R. Olson
Cara Sjodin and Scott Stensrud
John Sullivan
Fremajane Wolfson
Alex Wright
The Thomas and Julianne Youngren Foundation

*In remembrance

Eleven O'clock Number ($5,000-9,999)
Nancy Albrecht
Albrecht Family Foundation
John Arechar
Les Bendtsen and Rick Buchholz
Ray DeSpiegler and Michael Birch
Stephen Bubul and Lee Lewis
Jane and Ogden* Confer
Fran and Barb Davis
Keith and Betsy Ford
The Dean Greenberg Family Fund
Nicole Hanover
Lisa and Dan Hoene
Dennis and Nora Hunchar
Nancy Jones
Katherine Murphy
Curt D. Nelson
Jennifer and Jay Novak
Gary Reetz
Colleen C. Ryan and Tom Merz
Ann and Pat Ryan
Linda and Steven Sandvig
Bonnie Scott
Lorri Steffen and Paul Zenner
The LTC Janis Verruso Charitable Fund
Patricia Zalaznik

*In remembrance

Show Stopper ($1,500 - $4,999)
Anonymous (2)
Elissa Adams and Michael Margulies
Theresa Alewine
Annette Atkins
John Bale
E. Thomas Binger and Rebecca Rand Fund of The Minneapolis Foundation
Jeffrey D. Bores and Michael Hawkins
Allan Bradley and Derrill Pankow
Jimmy Burnett
Marguerite Cowles
Edward and Kathryn Craig
Tanner Curl and Emily Dussault
Julie A. Darst Charitable Giving Account
David and Margaret Dines
Carol M. Downie and Gregory J. Thomas
Joe and Lois Duffy
Meghan and Sean Elliott
Steve Euller and Nancy Roehr
John Fishpaw and Kim Krohn
Ron Frey and Steven Thompson
Andrew and Tina Grzeskowiak
Diane Harder and Thomas Eckstein
Jay Harkness and Jean Storlie
Jean and Jim Hartman
Kate Haugen
Margie and Tom Hebig

Sandy and John Hey
Bill Jones
Judy and Frank Jossi
Deirdre and Wes Kramer
Christine Larsen and Scott Peterson
David and Sheila Lein
Mac and Mary Lewis
Carol Lichterman
David and Susan Lima
Peggy and Dave Lucas
Pat and Sara Mack
Margery Martin and Dan Feidt*
Kristin and Jim Matejcek
James Lockhart and Janie Mayeron
Bridget and Sam Morehead
Tom and Conchy Morgan
Nicholas Naumann and Joe Chadwick
Dr. Katherine J. Nevins
Judy Nobles
Glyn Northington and Stan Kolden
Sandra Overland
Steve Passeri
John Polta and Anne Tuthill Polta
Prospect Creek Foundation of
Bruce and Martha Atwater
Maria and David Reamer
Daniel and Emily Shapiro

Ted and Mary Jo Shen
Rolf* and Janet Skjei
Elisa Spencer-Kaplan and Russell Kaplan Neil Neumann and Sandy Spidel Neumann
Jon and Kristine Stevens
Brian and Carrie Svendahl
Michael and Terri Uline
Dianne Van Tasell and Steven Eggimann
Ka Vang
Erin and Mark Vannelli
Bill Venne and Douglas Kline
Paula Vesely
Gregory L. Vilmo
Ruth and David Waterbury
Tom and Carol Watzke Windfelt
Betsy Weiner
Marjorie and Irving Weiser
Frank and Frances Wilkinson
Kevin Winge and Kevin Shores
Dick and Diane* Wright
Adam Yust
Peter Zenner
Jeanne and Jeff Zlonis

*In remembrance

Entr'acte ($500-$1,499)
Anonymous (2)
Addicks Hoch Fund of The Minneapolis Foundation
Robert Allen and Timothy Anderson
Grant Amadio
Stuart Appelbaum and Jean King
Ward and Kathleen Armstrong
Marcia Aubineau
Michael Bahr and Morrie Hartman
Richard Beens
Patricia Benson and Phil Strait
Dr. Ethan Berke
David and Janet Berry
Marjolijn Bielders-Vries
David Bjork and Jeff Bengtson
Chris Boppre
Susan S. Boren and Steve King
William and Rita Bourne
Mary Brady
Judith and Arnie Brier
Barbara Brin and John Beal
Dawn Brintnell and Andrew Wattenhofer
Lucinda Brown
Scott Cabalka
Virginia and Stuart Campbell
Jane Carlstrom
Cynthia Case and John Foley
Cynthia Chapman
Carol Chomsky and Steve Liss
Tom Clausen and Chris Ulrich
John Cook and Carolyn Burnett
Tiffany Cooper-Allen and Torrie Allen
Gretchen and David Crary
Peggy Crosby and David Pederson
Ingrid and Chris Culp
Loretta Dakin
John and Linda Darcy McCormick
Meredith Dayton Olson
Mary Lou and Thomas* Detwiler
JaNelle Dexheimer
Russell Doby
Gerald Dove
Nathan Dungan and Susan Hawks
Meghan and Sean Elliott
Sharon Engel
Paula Engelking and JW Peck
Doris Engibous
John J. Erickson
Lucas Erickson Fund of The Minneapolis Foundation
Nancy Evert
Linnea Fahnestock
Becky and Damon Farber
David Ferris
Dennis and Joyce Findley
Barbara Frame
Matt Fulton
Elaine Gaston and Mark Scannell
Mary Beidler Gearen
Lisa Gehrig
Janice Gepner and Eric Newman
Christa and Chris Getchell
Brian Gilligan and Steve Pospisil
Bob and Becky Glesne
Renee Goodell
John and Joanne Gordon
Clifford and Karen Greene
Kathy Gremillion
Thomas and Mary Gross
Joan Growe

Peggy Hall and Lee Barry
Richard Hamer
Kath Hammerseng and Mo Kennedy
Christie Hammes
Richard Hamson
Phillip Handy
Roxanne Hart and Scott Nelson
The Hedman Connelly Fund
Joanne and Allen Hinderaker
Martha P. Hoffman
Nanette Hoover
Richard Ihrig and Colleen Cooper
Bernadette and Jeffrey Janisch
Sandi and Jim Jensen
Mike Jereczek and Jan Sigmund
Denise Johnson and Karl Erickson
Jeraldin and Steven Johnson
Steve and Debra Johnson
Steve Johnson and Susan Iverson
Ed and Martha Karels
Kurt and Gina Kastel
Miriam and Erwin Kelen
Cyndi and Greg Klaus
James Kunz
Greg Kvam and Pat Johnson
Arline Lansangan Datu
Marcia C. Leatham
Andrew Leshovsky and Louis Berg-Arnold
Meg Lewis and David Sebberson
Jeff Lin and Sarah Bronson
Mary Lincoln and Mark Schneider
David A. MacNaughton and Gayle R. Zoffer
Katherine Majkrzak
Duayne and Dianne Malewicki
Susan L. Maples
Keith Martinsen
Paul and Julie Mattson
Drew Mattson
Kevin Mayo
Gretchen Alberts Mellies
Douglas and Cindy Merrigan
Cynthia Meyer
Tyler and Emily Michaels King
Lisa Michaux
David Miller
Sonny and Amy Miller
Jodi and Mike Mooney
Richard Moore, Jr.
Peter and Karla Myers
Dirk and Laura Nelson
Amy and Mike Newton
Nicholson Family Foundation,
Pondie and Mark Taylor
Carol Nietz
Karle and Diane Nolte
Ann and David O’Fallon
Ben Olk III and Kris Berggren
Philip Oxman and Harvey Zuckman
Mary Ann Palmer
Jaime Pedraza and Stephen Gronewold
Daniel Peterson and Mark Nelson
Karlyn Peterson and Gavin Wilkinson
Shannon Pierce and Rachael Kroog
Patti Pinkerton
Patricia Ploetz
Nancy and James Proman
Quiring Family Fund of The Minneapolis Foundation
Fred Quirsfeld and Linda Campbell

Pat and Gene Radecki
Megan Reardon
John Seeger Reay and Karen Hanson
Sadie Reiners
Jonathan Riehle and Angela M. Bohmann
Barbara Roen
Kenneth and Beth Roering
Robert Rosenbaum and Maggie Gilbert
Tom and Molly Rothstein Family
Peggy and Bill Roush
Susan and John Ryan
Kenneth and Kathy Sabota
Mary and Peter Sandberg
Mark Sateren
Noel Schenker
Paul Schumann
The Schwantes Family Singers
Judy Schwartau
Miriam Seim
Don Helgeson and Sue Shepard Fund of Central Minnesota Community Foundation
Kathryn Sherwood
Steven and Karen Sonnenberg
Roxanne and Bill Soth
Ann and Eldon Spencer
Lynne Stanley
Anne Steinfeldt
Cheryl Stever
Toya Stewart Downey
Marcia and John Stout
Dana and Stephen Strand
MJ Sullivan
Kari Groth Swan
Ron and Margaret Tabar
Lezlie and Louis Taylor
Jean Taylor
Marlo and William Turcotte
Libby and John Utter
Daniel Vogel
Jeanne Voigt
Michael Wagner
David C. Warner
Margaret Weber
Corliss Weeks
Dorene and Alan Wernke
Sue and Jim Westerman
Jim and Martha Williams
Gayle Woodbury
Peter and Sue Wyckoff
Ann Wynia
Jodi and Jim Young
Jane Zilch
Abby Zimmer and Sean O’Brien
Nancy Zingale and Bill Flanigan

Overture ($100-$499)
Anonymous (5)
Tom and Cindy Adamson
Albrecht Family Foundation
Dan Avchen and David Johnson
Kurt Bachmayer and Lisa Dalke
Paul and Mary Bacigalupi
Mary Bahneman
Daniel Barnes and Elaine Wilson
Daniel Baseman and Raymond J. Ottman
Judy Bearman and Ken Kaffine
Timothy Beekman
Joan Berg
Tim and Beth Beutell
Chris Bewell
Cheryl Brown
Julie Bubul
Sheryl and Mike Burkhardt
Kathryn and Winston Cahill
Angela and Neil Christy
Patricia Contag
Kenneth and Gwen Crabb
Kathryn and Larry Decker
Virginia and John Dell
Dennis and David Delude-Nafus
Nicole Demario
Holly Denis
Sunny Didier
Dennis and Nickie Dillon
Sandy Doll and Ron Christenson
Kate Donaldson
Tina Edstam
Marsha Eisenberg
Larry Espel and Cyndi Hasselbusch
Chris Estee
John J. Feigal
Dr. Patricia Ferrieri
Brad and Kathy Fisher
Sarah Fjelstul
Kim Ford
Ron and Barb Fraboni Family Fund
Heather and Bill Froehlich
David Gardner and Ronda Willsher
Erin George
Donna H. Gies and Richard Hamer
Robin Gillette
Jerry Girton
Barbara Golden
Karen and John Gray
Dolores Gutierrez
Mark and Mary Jo Hallberg
Dr. Jo-Ida C. Hansen
Dr. Shannon Harris
Robb Heckmann
John and Diane Herman
Hugh Huston
Diane and Paul Jacobson
Mark and Jeanne Jacobson

Donald and Pamela Jakes
Bonita Janda
Suzanne Jebe
Paul Amann and Cory Johnson
Scott and Julie Kammer
Jeremiah and Pamela Kearney
Dr. Thomas Kelly
Matt Kiser and Chris Nichol
Dodie and John Kostishack
Kathleen Kraemer
John and Nanciann Kruse
Pat Laulainen
Susan Law
Judy and Steve Lewis
Kathleen S. Lindblad
Dennis Louie
Beth and Mike MacDonald
Ruth B. Markowitz
Kimberly McDevitt
Peg McKee and Dean Adams
Kathleen McLaughlin and Daryl Skobba
Lisa McLean
Laura Migliorino
David and Leni Moore Family Foundation
Bonnie Mulligan and Charlie Greenman
Katie Nelsen
Marcia and Russ Palma
Sandra, Andrew, and Rick Penning
Tina Ham Peterson and Ric Peterson
Pike Willett Family Fund
David Pote and Linda Tapsak
Nick and Judy Priadka
Anne Pudas
Debra and Lawrence Que
John and Elizabeth Quinn
Bonnie Reiland
Tom Renshaw
Marilyn and Jim Rosenbaum
James Roth
Peter Rothstein and Omar Guevara Soto
Sue Salmela and Paul Burnett
Carol B. Schirmers
Betsy Schmiesing
Gale Sharpe
Tonia and Mike Shupien
Pamela Sjodin
Rosemary Soltis
Lisa Stevens and Jeffrey Hatcher
Michele Stowers
Sulasalmi Fund of The Minneapolis Foundation
Craig and Janet Swan
Julie A. Sweitzer
Rabindra Tambyraja, MD
Tammy Taylor
Jennifer, Daniel, Raina, and Zoey Tenenbaum

John and Jennifer Urbanski
Katherine and Martijn van de Ruijtenbeek
Jennifer Van Wyk
Tammi Veale
Lynn and Chuck Wallin
Lisa Weisman
Daniel Weninger
Elisabeth Wierum
Travis Wilson
Missy and Kent Wilson
Sally Wingert and Tim Danz
Jan Withiam
Jeanette Woessner
Donna and Mike Wolsted
Carol A Woodbury
David Young and Edward Williams, Jr.


Honor and Memorial Gifts

In honor of Sandy Hey
Mary Freeman

In honor of Lane 3 at Latté Da’s Local Legends Bowling Classic
Reece Gray

In honor of Fremajane Wolfson
The Dean Greenberg Family Fund

In honor of Bridget Morehead
Christie Morehead and Alan Zimmerman

In honor of Peter Rothstein
Tom and Molly Rothstein Family

In honor of Cara Sjodin
The Schwantes Family Singers

In honor of Timothy Thomas
Cheryl Thomas

In honor of Bernadette and Jeffrey Janisch
Andrea Tichy and Dan Muck

In honor of Just Tischleder
Ka Vang

In honor of Jean Hartman
Kevin Winge and Kevin Shores

In memory of Patricia Faunce
Pamela and Frederick Lott

In memory of Jean Elizabeth Ryan Rothstein, Peter Rothstein’s mother
Gretchen Albert Mellies

In memory of Mary Dew
David Miller

In memory of Dorris Rose
Jesseli Moen
Carol Peterson

In memory of Gay and Carl Prosek
Charlene Washburn

On behalf of Steven Bergerson

On behalf of Elizabeth Hobbs

You can have a significant impact on Theater Latté Da’s future. Please consider adding a bequest in your will naming Theater Latté Da on your insurance policy or retirement plan or by donating gifts of stock at any time. We simply could not achieve our goal of exploring and expanding the art of musical theater without you.

For more information about planned giving, contact Sara at

In-Kind Supporters

Cornerstone Copy Center
Stagetime Productions

Legacy Circle

We gratefully recognize the following individuals who have chosen to include Theater Latté Da in their estate plans. These estate gifts will sustain our artistic excellence and fiscal health for years to come:

Mary Anne Ebert and Paul Stembler
Stephen Fischer
Joyce G. Gordon*
Dr. Jo-Ida C. Hansen
John Hemann
Dr. Tom Knabel and Kent Allin
Carol Lichterman
Patti Pinkerton
Bill Venne and Douglas Kline
Kevin Winge and Kevin Shores
Jane Zilch

* In remembrance